Get wobbly! Our Jelly Sports games

These wobbly games are part of our Jelly Sports project, funded by the London Marathon Foundation.  We will add to these as the project continues, including games made up by the children playing out in front of their homes on their streets and housing estates. Eventually they will be collated into a digital Jelly Sports book to inspire people everywhere to play out on their doorstep, wherever they live. Click below to download the games.

01 JELLY & SPOON RELAY: We’re taking the jelly sports title literally with this game. Better than the traditional egg and spoon because if you make to the finish line without spilling it all, you can reward yourself with a jelly snack! And a bit more challenging than the boring baton in the Olympics innit?
02 HULA BLOCKERS: We love games that use familiar equipment or toys in different ways. Who needs a basketball hoop? Practice your aim in the wobbliest of ways, without the pressure of performance.
03 Coming soon!
04 Coming soon!
05 Coming soon!
06 Coming soon
These tip sheets for play street organisers will help keep things interesting, well-managed and fun. We hope you find them useful - but remember we are always at the end of a phone if you need any extra advice, support or just a chat - we've encountered most play street scenarios somewhere along the line.
Current work
As the name suggests, Jelly Sports occupies the wobbly and exciting – yet largely unexplored – space between play and sport. This two year project will transform the space on people’s doorsteps, on their streets or estates, into hyper-local opportunities to have fun and get active for the whole family.