Play England calls on next government to introduce a sufficiency duty for play


Play England has set out its manifesto on play for the next government, calling for play sufficiency legislation to be introduced in England.

The national organisation for play is one of 29 mostly sports-focused organisations to set out its manifesto in a document coordinated by the Sports Think Tank.

Describing it as a ‘no-cost policy’ Play England asks for the introduction of statutory guidance that local authorities must follow, in order to comply with a duty to assess for and secure sufficient play and recreation opportunities and to conduct regular play sufficiency reports. It states that the sufficient duty should not relate just to spaces and places for play, but also cover the play workforce and play services.

In the foreword, MP Kim Leadbetter explains that contributors had been asked to put forward policy solutions that were ‘cost neutral’.

London Play director Fiona Sutherland endorsed the Play England call for a sufficiency duty for play to be imposed on local authorities in England. However, she warned:

“Local authority budgets have already been cut to the bone and this is one of the main reasons that playgrounds and play services across the country are suffering near-terminal decline. The introduction of  play sufficiency legislation must be accompanied by ring-fenced funding for play, to make it a realistic prospect for local authorities to fulfil such a duty.”

The full context and detail of  Play England’s manifesto ask can be found here; Play England – Play Sufficency – Manifesto Ask

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