Summer of Play

London Play is one of  many organisations behind a campaign to ensure that every child has the space, time, and freedom to play this summer as Covid-19 restrictions are eased.

Hackney Gazette

For more than a year, children across the UK have been forced to spend time indoors, inactive and isolated from friends due to Covid-19 restrictions. It is not surprising that we have seen unprecedented increases in children’s mental health problems and loneliness, alongside reduced physical activity.

In response, child psychologists, paediatricians and educators have independently and urgently called for play to be central to children’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, and many others agree. Together we now are calling for everyone to help make this summer a #SummerOfPlay for children across the UK.

“After everything children have been through over the last year, we are calling on organisations to sign the pledge to support children’s play this summer.”

Children are experts in play and can play almost anywhere and with anything when they are given the freedom and permission to do so. As restrictions are eased, it is vital that children are given the time and safe space they need to reconnect and play with each other and to enjoy a wide range of playful activities, so they can start to recover and heal.

Everyone has a role to play in making this possible. Every setting counts: parks, streets, schools, summer schools, playgrounds, public space and more. Together we can make this a positive legacy of lockdown for children, after all they have sacrificed to keep others safe. Let’s begin to restore their freedom with a #SummerOfPlay.

To join the #SummerOfPlay campaign, please take the pledge to enable all children, in all our communities, to have space and time for play this summer by supporting fun, friends, and freedom. Sign the pledge here.

Play news
The Scottish government has pledged £20m in funding to ensure that children have a Summer of Play to help address the impacts associated with extended periods of isolation and reduced participation in normal activities.
London Play in the news
London Play has joined academics and other play campaigners in calling on the government to support 'a summer of play' to help children recover from the stress of lockdown and a year of Covid upheaval.


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