LAMBETH: Lambeth Council has laid out proposals to transform the commissioning of youth and play support services in the borough, including winding down the Young Lambeth Cooperative.
Lambeth is investing over £800,000 per year in direct youth and play services to deliver this, as well as investing over £1m in ongoing funding to address youth violence and committing nearly £500,000 of funding from the Community Levy on development sites for youth and play services.
The council has considered what is needed to deliver these priorities in the future, following discussions with local play and youth providers, partner organisations, and the Young Lambeth Cooperative (YLC). The package will improve efficiency, enable better working with voluntary sector organisations, allow the council to monitor progress effectively, and ensure services are more responsive to the needs of young people.
This was also an appropriate time to reconsider the structures that the YLC had in place, while continuing to meet the original objectives that the council and the YLC had when it was set up in 2014. These include working in collaboration with the voluntary sector and ensuring the voice of young people are at the heart of our decision-making.
The council has reached a joint agreement with the YLC, which had responsibility for commissioning and co-creating play and youth services in Lambeth, in partnership with young people and the voluntary youth sector. The current contract will end in September 2019 and YLC will no longer be delivering services in the borough. The council and YLC will be working together closely to ensure an effective transfer to these new arrangements. More info is here or contact