Sport England – Return to Play


Sport England has modified its funding streams to help people safely return to play and are targeting the places they’ll have the biggest impact

Its new £21.5m Return to Play Fund has three strands: Small Grants, Community Asset Fund, Active Together Crowdfunding. All three are focused on a safe return to play and narrowing the inequalities gap in sport and physical activity.

If none of these streams fit, organisations are also invited to submit great ideas for consideration – in particular to help the sport and activity sector through the coronavirus crisis.

Check the website for more information on application deadlines and value of grants available.


Community funds
Community groups and not-for-profit organisations with an annual income of less than £350,000 can apply for a grant of between £5,000 and £40,000 to fund projects which help make their communities a better place to live.
Click here for more information


For adventure playground workers and volunteers, and play street organisers.